How many nonprofits are there in the U.S.? According to the Nonprofit Quarterly, there are 1.4 million nonprofits in the U.S. 299,000 of which were 501(c) 3's over $25K and 545,000 were non-filing under $25K. That is 845,000, NOT 1.4 million. What are the missing 568,000? Turns out they are "other nonprofits" meaning not 501 (c) 3's . 104,000 were private foundations - 501(c) 4's and the remaining 465,000 was the 501's that weren't "3's" and "4's). Now I was down to 299,000 nonprofits in the U.S. (the kind I usually think of as nonprofits--the human services, the charities, the arts, the education, etc. etc.) But we're not done yet. Of the 299,000, 39,000 of them are the hospitals & health groups I was originally looking for. That leaves us with 260,000 nonprofits - not 1.4 million. Those 39,000 hospitals (only 13% of the 299,000) spend 47% of the billions of budget dollars. Here's the data: ...