
Showing posts from June, 2012

Dream Jobs in the Nonprofit, Government and Private Sectors

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Every college graduate has got the message "there are no jobs out there, you are going to be living in your parents basement until you're 30".  But what IF you could get a job, what would it be?  Not to be too "new-age" but maybe the possibilities are only limited by our imagination.  Here are a few real job possibilities: Chief People Officer - this is what they're calling a Human Resources Manager today. I remember when I thought calling People "Human" resources (as opposed to natural resources like petroleum I suppose) was egregious. What exactly was wrong with "Personnel Manager" again?   This is almost as good as (yes it is real!): Dream Coordinator - I've always wanted to coordinate dreams but I keep getting sleepy.. Dream Coordinator:  the Dream Foundation is searching for a highly motivated and committed individual to coordinate dream granting in their Los Angeles office. ...