BUZZ WORD IS A BUZZ WORD (HELP!) or: Why I stopped blogging (until today)
I don’t want to be a buzz-kill, but I hate buzz words. I hate take-aways. I love take-out (at least I did before I moved to LA which doesn’t have great take-out). I hate social networking. I’m anti-social. So sue me! I hate anything with “tube” in the name. I hate Face Book as much as I hate Flckr. I hate information overload. I love information. As long as it is not about the latest buzz words. Where am I going with this? Remember the Rolodex? the Day Timer ? Anybody? Buhler? Buhler? [1] I had some sweet Rolodex shareware. How about the Palm Pilot? And when am I going to get my flying car darn it! Carving in stone gets you close to eternity, even paper has a shot if it stays cool and dry. But where is anybody going to get a 5 ½ inch floppy drive in 2010? For that matter where is anyone going to get one today? I have one! But I don’t have a cable to connect it and I don’t have a suitable port on my teeny computer (they don’t call them PC’s anymore do t...